Consumer Consent Solution consultation

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

Publication date

Closing date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

In our November 2023 Call For Input entitled Data Sharing in a Digital Future, we asked industry and interested parties for their views on the need for, and best option for a solution to the issues surrounding Consumer Consent.

Based upon, and developing from, those responses, we are now consulting on the development of a digital solution that will enable consumers to share their energy data with trusted third parties to receive tailored services to manage their energy bills. This will encompass the granting of consent, and the more complex aspects of managing, reviewing, and revoking consent.

We would like views from people with an interest in energy supply, consumer advocacy groups, third party service or delivery providers, and innovators. We particularly welcome responses from those with a background in protecting vulnerable consumers. We would also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public.

We are seeking views on our proposed design principles and necessary features for the solution. We have identified three potential delivery bodies for the consent solution – ElectraLink Ltd (‘ElectraLink’), the Retail Energy Code Company Ltd (‘RECCo’) and Smart DCC Ltd, also known as the Smart Data Communication Company (‘the DCC’).

Our proposal is that RECCo be the selected Delivery Body who will develop a digital solution which fits the Design Principles. We also propose that Supply Licensees be obligated to record consent granted via the solution through a licence condition, to ensure ‘one version of the truth’.

Next steps

The consultation will be open for eight weeks. We request that stakeholders submit their responses to by 4 October 2024.

Responses will be gathered and analysed to support and inform our decision regarding the Delivery Body and principles underpinning the design of a solution. We aim to publish our decision in Winter 2024/2025.

Respond name

Linsay Jones