Consultation on a Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Asset Intervention Medium Sized Investment Project from National Grid Electricity Transmission

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We are consulting on Ofgem’s assessment of a submission made by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), under the Medium Sized Investment Project (MSIP) reopener. The submission was made in January 2022 under Special Condition 3.14.6(k) of the licence condition and relates to interventions to abate SF6 emissions at 5 sites, in addition to a wider programme of transformer replacement and gas circuit breaker leak repair. The MSIP licence condition provides for companies to make reopener submissions during the RIIO-2 price control period for projects that meet certain conditions and cost less than £100m.

Note this document was originally published on 12th July 2022 and has been republished.

Respond name

Graeme Barton