Consultation on Simplification Plan 2016-17

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Draft Forward Work Programme 2016-17

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We have a legal duty to keep our activities under review and to publish an annual Simplification Plan, explaining what we intend to do to reduce or remove regulatory requirements which have become burdensome. We interpret this duty widely, to include ideas for how we might improve our effectiveness or make our processes more efficient. This letter opens the public consultation to gather proposals for Simplification Plan 2016-17.

Our initiatives to reduce burdens and improve our processes should support delivery of the consumer outcomes in our Corporate Strategy. The Simplification Plan should also help to ensure that the activities in our Forward Work Programme remain consistent with best regulatory practice.

We want your ideas for what we could do to simplify, clarify and make our regulation work better. Anything included in the Simplification Plan should help to show how we have regard to the principles of good regulation, such as actions that allow us to be more proportionate, accountable, consistent, transparent, and targeted in our work.

The consultation closes on Thursday 11 February.

Respond name

Mark Wagstaff

Respond telephone