Consultation on potential change to the Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

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Industry sector

Distribution Network


We are seeking views on our proposal to update the eligibility criteria for the Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme (FPNES). From 1 April 2018 we are proposing to remove the criterion that the household must “reside within the 25% most deprived areas, as measured by the government’s Index of Multiple Deprivation”.

The FPNES helps households that are not connected to the gas grid to switch to natural gas. It does so by offering funding towards the cost of connecting to the gas network. Access to gas, a cost-effective fuel for heating, is a good way to ensure fuel poor households can access affordable energy supplies.

This consultation outlines the reasoning behind our proposal as we consider this change will ensure the scheme offers the best value for money through effective targeting.

Please provide any views on the questions posed by 2 November 2017 by emailing Pete Wightman. Email: 

We have also published our Impact Assessment on the proposal alongside this consultation.

Respond name

Pete Wightman

Respond telephone

Respond email