Consultation on the onshore electricity transmission Early Competition commercial framework

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closed date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Transmission Licence

This consultation summarises our latest thinking  on the National Energy System Operator’s (NESO) proposals on various important elements of the commercial framework for the Early Competition regime, as published in its Early Competition Implementation Update (ECI-Update).

We want to get feedback on NESO’s proposals and our views on:

  • Post-award security obligation on the Competitively Appointed Transmission Owner (CATO) during the preliminary works and construction stages
  • payments to a CATO during the preliminary works stage
  • post preliminary works cost assessment
  • payment to the CATO and performance incentives during the operational stage
  • additional works obligation on CATOs beyond the scope of work originally tendered
  • revenue period and the next steps following the end of the revenue period

    Who should respond

We want to hear views and feedback from the public and stakeholders with an interest in this consultation, specifically from:

  • potential bidders in Early Competition processes and network companies
  • people with an interest in the development of electricity network solutions, technical and commercial innovation
  • people competing for the design, construction and operation of solutions to solve network problem

Respond name

Jon Sharvill

Respond telephone