Consultation on changes to Ofgem’s Enforcement Guidelines and Sectoral Penalty Statement

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  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
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Industry sector
Distribution Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Offshore Transmission Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network

Customers of businesses who operate in the energy sector rightly expect to be treated fairly and to be confident that businesses will meet their obligations and provide good services. It is important that, where energy businesses breach their obligations, we act decisively to put things right.

We have been reviewing our approach to enforcement. Now that we are at the end of our review, we are consulting on revised versions of our Enforcement Guidelines and the Sectoral Statement of Policy with respect to Financial Penalties and Consumer Redress.

We are seeking views on the proposals set out in the consultation document below from regulated businesses and all other parties with an interest in our enforcement work. The responses will help us to ensure that our enforcement processes are relevant and adaptable in an innovative and evolving energy market.

Please send your responses and any questions to the Enforcement Team at by 04 August 2021.

Once the consultation is closed, we will consider all responses carefully. Please note that any non-confidential responses to the consultation may be published on our website.

Please note that the annex documents below are draft documents issued for the purposes of this consultation.

Respond name

Megan Pickard

Respond telephone