Consultation on changes intended to bring about greater coordination in the development of offshore energy networks
- Upcoming
- Open
- Closed (awaiting decision)
- Closed (with decision)
To achieve the deliverables of the Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR) there are four workstreams operating in parallel, with varying degrees of Ofgem involvement. This workstream focusses on three of these. These are (1) Early Opportunities, (2) Pathways to 2030, and (3) Multi-Purpose Interconnectors (MPI).
Early Opportunities seeks to make changes to the existing regulatory framework to facilitate coordination between projects. Pathways to 2030 aims to develop the regulatory framework to allow the optimum engineering solution to connect 40GW of offshore wind to the system by 2030. Multi-purpose interconnectors aims to make changes to the offshore and interconnector frameworks to facilitate the connection of a MPI by 2030.