Clarifying the regulatory framework for electricity storage: Licensing

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

We seek to provide regulatory clarity on the treatment of electricity storage within the regulatory framework. To achieve this, we are consulting on changes to the electricity generation licence to make it fit for storage.

The modified licence will provide regulatory certainty to storage facilities, both existing and developing, encourage deployment of this new technology into the system and will ensure that a level playing field exists, so that storage can compete fairly with other sources of flexibility.

The proposed changes will also address in an appropriate manner the issues storage facilities face surrounding final consumption levies (currently some storage could face double charging of final consumption levies at the time of both importing from and exporting electricity to the grid).

We are also consulting on changes to the electricity and gas regulations on the licences applications forms to ensure we have all and only the necessary information to assess eligibility for a licence and have added specific questions for electricity storage providers in the electricity licence application form.

The consultation date will close on 27 November 2017.

Please provide any views on the questions posed by 27 November 2017 by emailing Chiara Redaelli. Email:

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Chiara Redaelli

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