This statutory consultation outlines 5 Change Proposals in the Capacity Market, CP371, CP376, CP377, CP378 and CP381:
- CP371 amends Capacity Market Rules in situations where a Transmission Licensee or Distribution Network Operator delays a connection date by over 1 year
- CP376 clarifies a rule to ensure that those with the ability to bid in the Capacity Market auctions are acting independently so that the market remains competitive
- CP377 allows for greater flexibility to meet the Satisfactory Performance Days milestone
- CP378 removes the 50MW connection capacity limit on Capacity Market Units being part of a Capacity Market Unit Portfolio; and introduces a limit on each Capacity Market Unit within a Capacity Market Unit Portfolio to deliver a minimum proportion of the Capacity Market Unit’s individual Capacity Obligation (to apply to all Capacity Market Unit Portfolios)
- CP381 provides an alternative for how the Sum of the Connection Entry Capacities is determined in the Capacity Market rules