Ring fence review: energy networks call for input

Call for input
  • Open
  • Closed
Publication date
Closed date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Distribution Licence
Electricity Transmission Licence
Gas Transporter Licence


We are seeking views on our proposals to review the energy networks ring fence.

Who should respond

We would like views from individuals and organisations. This includes network companies, energy suppliers, energy generators and system operators. We also welcome responses from consumer bodies, government, regulators, investors, credit rating agencies, consumers and any other stakeholders.


Networks take electricity and gas from pipes, cables, transformers and towers and bring energy to homes and businesses. They connect generators, suppliers, energy users and consumers.

The companies who own and operate these networks are bound by law and regulatory rules. These ensure they maintain pipes and cables that provide stable, secure and safe energy to consumers.

While the protections we have in place have been broadly effective, if an energy network company were to face financial distress it could struggle to provide a basic service. This may lead to consumers experiencing power interruptions, lack of servicing and poor customer service.

In some circumstances, energy bills or standing charges may increase to fund investment, putting consumers at risk.

What is the ring fence?

The term ‘ring fence in this context refers to a set of rules in place to protect the network company from activities of the wider group it is a part of.

Energy network companies must comply with the ring fence conditions as part of their energy licence.

Why your views matter 

We think it’s important to review the ring fence licence conditions. We want to hear your views on the current arrangements and any ideas for alternative options.

Your responses to this call for input will help us identify areas for improvement and help us shape these conditions for the future.

How to respond

Our call for input on reviewing the energy networks ring fence closed on 11 November 2024. We are now considering responses. If you have any questions, email us at regfinance@ofgem.gov.uk.