FIT licensees

FIT licensees

As a FIT licensee you have specific obligations under:

  • Conditions 33 and 34 of the Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply Licences (“the SLCs”).
  • Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012 (“the FIT Order”).

Specifically, you need to:

  • Assess installations against the criteria for Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS) certified registration, and (where applicable) the energy efficiency requirements and the multi installation rate
  • Register and make FIT payments to eligible FIT generators and nominated recipients
  • Ensure that the information provided by the FIT generator is accurate
  • Update the Central FIT Register (CFR) as required
  • Verify meter readings provided by FIT generators.

As a FIT licensee you should also be the main point of contact for any queries generators have.

Central FIT Register

The CFR is a database of all FIT-accredited installations.

As a FIT licensee you will need to access the CFR to register installations, update details of FIT installations and make levelisation submissions.

Levelisation process for FIT licensees

As a FIT licensee you need to take part in the periodic and annual levelisation processes. This involves submitting details of the total electricity supplied in Great Britain and any FIT payments that have been claimed in the relevant period.

Levelisation schedules containing key deadlines and dates for both periodic and annual levelisation can be downloaded from this page.

Need help?

Further guidance on the role of FIT licensees can be found in the Feed-in Tariffs: Guidance for Licensed Electricity Suppliers.

For any questions relating to the ongoing duties of FIT licensees, you can contact the FIT Compliance team on

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