Direction in relation to the RIIO-T1 Electricity Transmission Price Control- Environmental Discretionary Reward Guidance

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network

To: National Grid Electricity Transmission plc
      (Company Number:02366977)
      Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc
      (Company Number:SC213461)
      SP Transmission Limited
      (Company Number:SC189126)

 (the ”Licensee”) 

Direction under paragraph 3F.11 of Part D of Special Condition 3F (Adjustment in Respect of the Environmental Discretionary Reward Scheme) of the Electricity Transmission Licence granted or treated as granted to the Licensee under section 6(1)(b) of the Electricity Act 1989

Whereas –

1. The Licensee has been granted an Electricity Transmission Licence (the “Licence”) under section 6(1) (b) of the Electricity Act 1989 (the “Act”) and is subject to the conditions contained in the Licence.

2. In accordance with paragraph 3F.12 of Part D of Special Condition 3F of the Licence, the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the “Authority”) gave notice on 31 January 2014 (“the Notice”) that it proposed to establish and modify the Environmental Discretionary Reward (“EDR”) Scheme Guidance.

3. The Authority’s reasons for proposing to modify the EDR Scheme Guidance were set out in the Notice referred to above and include: i) to implement a number of proposed changes and improvements to the EDR Scheme Guidance identified as a result of the EDR Scheme trial year in order to better achieve the EDR Scheme’s objectives; and ii) to implement a number of proposed modifications to the EDR Scheme Guidance following a consultation published on 13 December 2013.

4. The Authority requested that any representations with respect to the proposed revised EDR Scheme Guidance be made on or before 28 February 2014. The Authority did not receive any representations and therefore now directs the changes and modifications to the EDR Scheme Guidance as set out above.

5. A copy of the EDR Scheme Guidance is included in the Schedule to this Direction.

Now therefore –

In accordance with paragraph 3F.11 of Part D of Special Condition 3F of the Licence, the Authority hereby directs that the EDR Scheme Guidance as set out in the Schedule to this Direction will have effect on and from 7 March 2014.

This document constitutes notice of the reasons for the Direction in accordance with section 49A of the Act.

Dr Stephen Bass
Acting Associate Partner, Sustainable Energy Policy
Duly authorised on behalf of the Authority     
7 March 2014