The regulation of traditional gas metering during the transition to smart meters – final proposals and statutory consultation

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Ofgem has reviewed the regulatory framework for traditional gas metering to support an efficient transition to smart meters by 2020.

In July 2012, we published our policy decisions in respect of the regulation of gas meters, which placed new metering obligations upon National Grid and invited it to consult on new domestic metering tariff caps. In July 2013, National Grid completed its consultation process and submitted its final proposals in respect of new metering tariff caps and the regulation of gas metering to Ofgem for decision.

We have now considered National Grid’s proposals and this document sets out our proposed decision to reduce the domestic gas credit metering tariff by £1.81. We also consult on the statutory licence drafting to give effect to our proposed decision. Our proposed decision is expected to reduce the costs to consumers of regulated traditional gas metering by around £69 million, in the transition to smart metering.

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Steve Rowe

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