Our strategy and priorities

Our Multiyear Strategy ‘Protect, Build, Change, Deliver’ sets out our long-term priorities across all our work. The Strategy includes our regulatory work and administration of schemes on behalf of Government.

Our priorities are:

  • shaping a retail market that works for consumers
  • enabling infrastructure for net zero at pace
  • establishing an efficient, fair and flexible energy system
  • advancing decarbonisation through low carbon energy and social schemes
  • strengthening Ofgem as an organisation

The energy sector is at a pivotal moment. The sector must change to meet the needs of the future, and so must we. That is why Ofgem has published a Multiyear Strategy from 2024 for the next five years and beyond. 

Our strategy reflects:

  • the complexity and scale of the challenge, which has increased substantially since we last published a long-term organisational strategy in 2019
  • the priorities of our new Chair and Board 
  •  two new duties – to support net zero and economic growth
  • and new regulatory responsibilities, for sectors like heat networks and hydrogen, and for the National Energy System Operator

As the energy sector continues to change rapidly, we are committed to ensuring that the Strategy remains current and fit for purpose by working closely with our stakeholders. We intend to publish an annual update on any major changes to the Strategy, through our Forward Work Programme. 

Forward Work Programme 2024 to 2025

Each year we publish what we aim to do in our Forward Work Programme. The Forward Work Programme 2024 to 2025 sets out what work we will do during the year ahead against the aims of our Strategy.

Read our 2024 to 2025 Forward Work Programme and previous previous Forward Work Programmes.
