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Policy and regulatory programmes

Ofgem policy and regulatory programmes

This page contains links to current and historical programmes of work carried out by our policy and regulatory directorates, along with publications arising from those programmes.

If you are interested in our policy and regulatory publications based on categories such as company, licence, sector or code, please visit our policy and regulatory publications section.

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Active programmes

This section contains overview pages of our main policy & regulatory programmes, as well as lists of publications arising from each programme’s work.

Notable examples include the Default Tariff Cap and other consumer vulnerability protections, the RIIO-1 and RIIO-2 network price controls, our offshore transmission and onshore transmission regimes and our work on data and digitalisation in the energy industry.

View our active programmes
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Inactive programmes

This section contains overview pages of historical policy & regulatory programmes, as well as their publications, that we are no longer updating.

This may be because we have replaced these programmes with others, or because we reached a decision or conclusion that is now reflected in our ongoing regulatory management. We have retained these pages and publications for historical reference purposes.

View our inactive programmes