Get involved
Consultations cut across all of our policy and regulatory activity and pass through a number of formal stages. This includes statutory consultations, such as proposals to modify licence conditions.
You can sign up to be notified when any consultation closes, and when we publish the responses and decision.
Calls for input
Calls for input are different to our formal consultations and do not go through the same formal stages as a consultation.
Our calls for input give you different ways to share and tell us your views about different energy topics.
The views you share may be used to develop consultations, but are not part of the formal consultation process.
Forums and working groups
This section provides a list of all of the working groups and forums that we run as part of our engagement with industry and with other stakeholders. You can find agendas, minutes and other relevant publications.
For reference purposes we have retained a full historical record, including publications from groups that are now inactive.